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Serious eye injuries caused by bottles containing carbonated drinks
  1. F Kuhn1,
  2. V Mester2,
  3. R Morris1,
  4. J Dalma3
  1. 1University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, University of Pécs, Hungary, and Helen Keller Foundation for Research and Education, Birmingham, AL, USA
  2. 2Mafraq Hospital, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  3. 3Mexican Eye Injury Registry, and Ophthalmology Service, Hospital Angeles de las Lomas, Mexico, and Asociación para Evitar la Ceguera en México
  1. Correspondence to: Ferenc Kuhn, MD, PhD American Society of Ocular Trauma, 1201 11th Avenue South, Suite 300, Birmingham, AL 35205, USA;


Aim: To analyse serious eye injuries caused by bottles containing pressurised drinks.

Methods: Retrospective review of the databases of US, Hungarian, and Mexican eye injury registries.

Results: In the combined database (12 889 injuries), 90 cases (0.7%) were caused by bottle tops or glass splinters. The incidence varied widely: 0.3% (United States), 3.1% (Hungary), and 0.9% (Mexico), as did the agent. Champagne bottle corks were responsible in 20% (United States), 71% (Hungary; p<0.0001), and 0% (Mexico). Most eyes improved, but 26% remained legally blind.

Conclusions: The presence of warning labels on champagne bottles appears to reduce cork related eye injuries, as does using plastic bottles and caps.

  • eye injuries
  • bottles
  • carbonated drinks

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